About Us

About us

Bird's Eye View Live in the UK was the brainchild of Steve Hain
Birds Eye View Live in the UK is the brainchild of Steve Hain. After working in falconry for other people since 1998, Steve established birdseyeview.live on the Isle of Wight 2014. Over the years many of the ideas that Steve has developed have been used and copied by other businesses. 

Back in 2007 Steve had the idea of being able to attach a camera to a bird to get a bird’s eye view and with the help of a friend bought a small camera and made his first harness to attach it to. A young Harris hawk called Angus was the first to try out the new idea, but there was only limited success beaming live footage back to his laptop. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds and technical knowledge at that time Steve was unable to go any further. However, the seed had been sown and over the next few years he continued to do research to increase his technical knowledge and kept up to date with the advances in the equipment available.

By 2013 the idea had gone from strength to strength, so he was able to put some funding into having another try. Although he was more successful this time, he felt that it still wasn't good enough to put on show to the public. His goal was to be able to offer Robin Hill live head cam demonstrations in time for the summer of 2015 and with some investment from Robin Hill was able to take the next step forward. A lot of time and energy was put into assembling the hood cams and backpacks, and the training of the birds to fly with the equipment on board. As ever with innovative ideas there was an element of trial and error and some setbacks along the way.

However, with perseverance and all new cameras, transmitters, receivers, back packs and hoods Steve managed to get everything together with only a few days to spare before the first show in the Electric Woods arena. With a great sigh of relief, the first show was a huge success but ever the perfectionist Steve continues to strive to improve the equipment and keep up with upgrades in technology.

The success of the head cams has led to birdeyeview.live being able to proudly launch what is believed to be the UK's first ever birds eye view live goggles experience. It has been a very exciting few years getting to this stage and we look forward to continuing to offer new and exciting experiences.

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